Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fall fun!

We've had a good week here at the Kot house. Caroline is continuing to put on weight and tolerate her feeds from the syringe really well. She is officially over 19 pounds, which makes us smile. More importantly, she is getting stronger every day and developing nicely in her play, language, and motor skills. Caroline seems to be so much stronger and happier now that she is off the feeding pump. We are breathing a little easier and enjoying watching our little girl grow!

Caroline learned about the swings this week!

We also visited our friends Lisa and baby Matthew. Caroline was so fascinated by the baby!

Congratulations Lisa and Jon! We are so excited for your new bundle of joy!


  1. Seeing her smile, growing, and out and about makes me so happy. I can't wait for the real deal!!! Hugs next week!!! :)

  2. Look at that kneeling next to her new buddy! Is that a new move??? Those hair bows are so fun!


  3. very cute! how fun that you got to visit lisa and meet lil matthew. good to hear that caroline is getting stronger and enjoying the fall in all it's glorious color. cheers!
